Regardless if you are into UFOs, Astrobiology, Extraterrestrial life, Ancient aliens, or space exploration in general, we are all after the same outcome: First contact with alien life. First Contact doesn’t necessarily mean contact with intelligent life, it rather means that the discovery of ANY form of extraterrestrial life is considered First Contact.

However, it’s a big universe out there, and exploring it with our current means of propulsion, is not going to be a viable solution. Putting a few humans into a small capsule on top of a firecracker is not going to do the job. Distances in space are simply too fast for our current propulsion systems.

So, what are the other options? Well, there are currently a few different projects under development. Nuclear based, ion based, solar particles and some other concepts. However, none of these options will give us more than about 90{00d49d11e69c107fd0547ad1426c94743daa91813c9cad4d9ea0d389f8c38222} of light speed, at best, and that’s still way too slow for serious interstellar exploration. So, what’s left?. Answer: Warp Drive, or Stargate Technology. I can see that some of you are rolling their eyes right now: “But that’s Sci-Fi”. Well, not so fast. Both options have actually some solid scientific basis. While we are still some time away from building a fully functional warp engine or a functioning Stargate, the gap between Science fiction and science fact is closing fast. Even before Albert Einstein, formulated his theories about space and time decades ago, the idea of some kind of a “Light Speed” vehicle was already around. However, only in the last few decades, science started to seriously take a look at the feasibility of both concepts.

We will of course take a closer look at the pros and cons of both concepts, and dig deep into the realm of space and time travel. However, it is clear that we can’t do that within one single article. So, therefore we will break it down into a short series so we can look at it in depth. Together we will venture far out to the fringes of science and technology in order to see where Science is about to meet Science Fiction and becomes Science reality. So please check back often, in order not to miss any future articles or news. Also, please take a look at my resource section in order to stay up to date. Come and join me for a look into the future.

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