HTTP Requests In WordPress and The Importance of Making Fewer Requests

When someone tries to view your website, their computer makes requests to the server to get all the files it needs to show properly. These requests are called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests. While these requests are necessary, having too many of them can slow down your website.

Choosing a reliable WordPress hosting in NZ can help minimize the impact of HTTP requests. Additionally, selecting a fast domain host is crucial for ensuring a smooth website experience. This article explains everything about HTTP Requests, why it is essential and Techniques to reduce requests.

What are HTTP Requests?

HTTP requests are the way web browsers and web servers communicate with each other. Whenever someone visits a web page, their browser sends several HTTP requests to obtain the necessary files, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other resources.

The more files and resources a webpage needs, the more HTTP requests are generated, which can lead to longer load times.

Why Making Fewer HTTP Requests is Important

●       Faster Website Speed and Performance

Your website can load much faster if you cut down on the number of HTTP requests it makes. When there are fewer requests, the computer and browser don’t have to send as much data, so pages load faster.

●       Better User Experience

Slow-loading websites frustrate users, leading to a poor experience. By making fewer HTTP requests and optimizing your website’s performance, you can provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for your visitors, encouraging them to stay longer and explore more of your content.

●       Improved Search Engine Rankings

Sites that give users a good experience are ranked higher in search engines, and how fast a page loads is a big part of how they do this.

By reducing HTTP requests and making your site faster, you can boost your search engine results and make it easier for customers to find your website.

●       Efficient Use of Resources

Each HTTP request uses up certain computer resources, like processing power and bandwidth. By minimizing the number of requests, you can reduce the strain on your web server, potentially reducing hosting costs and improving overall server performance.

Techniques to Reduce HTTP Requests in WordPress

●       Optimize Images

Images are the biggest files on a page, and they can make a lot of HTTP requests. To get the most out of your pictures, you should compress them, resize them to the right size, and use image types like WebP.

●       Combine and Minify CSS and JavaScript Files

WordPress themes and plugins often include multiple CSS and JavaScript files, each requiring a separate HTTP request. Combine these files into a single file for each type (CSS and JavaScript) and minify them to reduce their size, resulting in fewer HTTP requests and faster load times.

●       Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Centralized Delivery Networks, or CDNs, are groups of computers located around the world. Website information can be sent more quickly by using the server that is closest to the user.

●       Implement Caching

Caching keeps a copy of your website’s files on the user’s computer or on a server that is closer to the user. This keeps HTTP requests for the same resources from being sent over and over again.

Choosing the Right WordPress Hosting

While optimizing your website’s code and resources is crucial, choosing the best WordPress hosting can also play a significant role in reducing HTTP requests and improving overall performance. Look for wordpress hosting in New Zealand providers that offer features like server-level caching, CDN integration, and optimized server configurations specifically designed for WordPress websites.


Making fewer HTTP requests is an important aspect of ensuring a fast and responsive website. WordPress websites make many HTTP requests every day.

To lower that number, you can use a content delivery network (CDN), optimize images, combine and minify CSS and JavaScript files, set up caching, and improve images.

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