How to Get a Bigger Penis Naturally Without Pills, Gadgets, Or Surgery – Frequently Asked Questions

If you are searching for answers on how to get a bigger penis naturally, you know that it is hard to do any research without encountering advertisement after advertisement for this pill, that cream, this gadget, and that surgery. Perhaps you have been stupid like I once was and wasted your money on that garbage. Or perhaps you are just tired of all the overblown hype and want real answers about how to make your penis bigger naturally without having to put your faith in something that you know is going to be a letdown.

Because I have been exactly where you are, I have a good feeling about what questions are on your mind and my goal is to set you straight and lead you in the right direction.

Without further adieu, here are the questions I hear most often about natural penis enlargement:

How many inches can I really gain if I practice penis enlargement techniques?

Anyone who puts any sort of time and effort into a penis enlargement routine should be able to gain a minimum of one inch. The average dedicated person will put somewhere between two and three inches on his penis. Overachievers have been known to grow four inches and more, but most of those men were on the small side when they started.

Do penis enlargement pills have any benefit?

Some of them dilate the blood vessels in your penis and give you firmer erections and a better erection quality, which can make your penis look and feel slightly bigger even though it has not gained any true size. However, plain arginine that you can find at Wal-Mart for under twenty bucks will do the same thing that the pill-hawkers want hundreds for.

If I want to take the natural route, which exercises should I start with?

First off, you definitely want to take the natural route – it is the only route that will actually give you real results!

Second, I would recommend that a true beginner start with stretches and jelqs. Every other day after a hot shower, slowly stretch your flaccid penis as far out as it will comfortably go for ten sets of 30-second intervals.

Next, perform jelqs by masturbating until you are half-erect, lubricating your penis, gripping it at the base tightly with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and slowly sliding that hand up the shaft. When you reach the tip, repeat the same motion with the other hand. Do this continuously for ten minutes.

While these beginner tips will not give you Tommy Lee or Ron Jeremy size overnight, they will provide modest gains as well as a good base for a more advanced penis enlargement routine. Always remember that any type of self-improvement effort depends on YOU and not some pill!

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